Open Source Toolkit of Gravity Compensation Control for Master Manipulators of dVRK


We developed an open source toolkit for gravity compensation control of Master Tool Manipulator (MTM) of daVinci Research Kit (dVRK). Our toolkit can adapt a variety of static dynamics (such as nonlinear torques from electric cables, torques from springs, and e.t.c.) and has been tested across multiple hardware of MTMs (above 10 MTMs). Our toolkit has been integrated by the standard package of dVRK project and can be used using dVRK with version 1.7 or after. Enjoy the toolkit!


We closely collaborate with researchers from Johns Hopkins University. Thank Prof. Kanzanzides and Anton for helping us with the toolkit testing and integration. Currently, this toolkit is maintained by Anton. Thank Anton for his effort.


Peter Kazanzides

Johns Hopkins University​

Website: [link]

Anton Deguet

Johns Hopkins University

Website: [link]


[1] H. Lin, C. W. Vincent Hui, Y. Wang, A. Deguet, P. Kazanzides, and K. W. Samuel Au, “A reliable gravity compensation control strategy for dvrk robotic arms with nonlinear disturbance forces,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 3892–3899, 2019.

[2] K. Lu, H. Lin, C. W. V. Hui, and K. W. S. Au, “A Case Study of Gravity Compensation for da Vinci Robotic Manipulator: A Practical Perspective,” in IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation (ICRA) Workshop on ”Supervised Autonomy in Surgical Robotics”